We’re not really mushy but we are really close. Our conversation has been ongoing for decades. We share a resonance that – as a mom – I could only dream of for my daughters. It’s rare.
We look alike, we sound alike, we definitely laugh alike. She’s got some height on me though and her teeth game is pretty strong. Growing up – people referred to her as “the hot one”. I used to say she was basically me but wrapped up in a Victoria’s Secret models body. Jealousy was never really a thing for me and her as I was content being in the shadows (eating potato chips).
I’ve always been quite amused as the perception of Ruhannah seemed to hilariously out shadow the person I knew. It’s been an ongoing joke that every ugly picture of her that exists out in the world – people automatically assume it's me – never fails. If my father is to credit for my sense of humor – Ruhannah is to blame as to why it’s so dark.
People were always intimidated by her beauty – and it sucks for them because she’s like ten times goofier then I am - she just didn’t come with the extrovert wiring. She does voices too and a way better English accent! Her way of processing the world and her daily interactions is absolutely hysterical.
She’s the practical type and never runs with a story – she always likes to gather all of the facts before forming her own opinion. She’s most like my mother. Very organized, and definelty the designated family manager.
My favorite thing of all though, is watching her be a mother. I’m four years younger but got like a ten year head start in that department. I’m not surprised that she’s a great Mom - because although I am convinced she is the dark and sinister voice in my head - she’s one of the kindest and most thoughtful people that I know. She cares more then she lets on. She puts a lof of heart and effort into being self reflective and doing everything in her power to be a better person. She’s one of the most selfless people that I know and I hope her kids will grow up with the knowing that they have one the best. I’ll definitely make sure of it.
Doing a photoshoot of someone who looks almost exactly like me was a trip for the both of us! So without further ado, please welcome my big sister, Ruhannah.
Ruhannah, page 5