Steve Chamble
photo reveal party
He had me questioning…
"maybe the presence of one thing doesn’t always mean the absence of another."
He does seem to walk the line of ambiguity,
or does he?
He stands firm in his authenticity
and though his strength is generous,
his expression is quite gentle.
He can listen as deep as he can feel.
Passionate as hell but he’ll wait for your invitation.
He leads by his own surrender
Trusting, knowing -
There’s so much more to come…
And it’s going to be glorious –
It already is.
Steve Chamble.
Welcome to a
Photo Reveal
Your are invited to join the Photo Reveal Expedition for Steve Chamble.
This expedition will reveal a series of photos and video art, created by Teresa Joseph
(multi-mediUM artist, facilitator and provocateur) incorporating with original music of participating artists.
Please join us for this art expedition and immersive conversation experience.
It all starts with you.
What the night will look like...
See the art. BE the art.
This is an immersive art exhibit. You can expect to witness. What that means:
Be witness to Steve.
Be the first to see a full reveal of Steve's the art piece celebrating Steve in pictures, words and music.
You can also expect to participate. What that means:
In witnessing Steve's story... what parts of YOU are coming to the surface? Are you feeling called speak? To sing? To join the conversation?
Be free to be yourself. Participate in a collaborative music, movement and live photo session with
Our featured guest Steve Chamble
Teresa Joseph artist and provocateur
Special guest photographer Chris Randall
Percussionist the legendary Bill Fischer
*All captures from images to sound subject to be materials for future art pieces! That's the point. Art begets art! We want YOU to be a part of it!
Nourish Your Body, Mind and Soul.
Hold a warm mug in your hands. Hot tea and cacao will be provided to settle your spirit.
Something sweet and savory. An assortment of snacks and pastries will be provided to nourish your body.